Thursday, September 11, 2014

Numerology Mini-Reading For Apryl

Birth Name: Apryl Evan
Date of Birth: February 14, 1979


Hi there Apryl,
Thank you for visiting my website and requesting this sample mini-reading and ongoing numerology tutorial.
Over the coming weeks, I'll be giving you a wealth of information about numerology (all completely free of charge!). I look forward to taking the journey with you. Numerology is a true passion of mine, and it is my hope that you find numerology to be just as fascinating as I do!
Ok, let's jump right in to analyzing your numerology chart! The best place to start is with one of the most basic calculations…

Your Life Path Number

Your Life Path (based on your birth date of February 14, 1979) is 15. It is calculated in 4 steps:
  1. Add up the digits in your year of birth:
    Your year of birth is 1979. Adding 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 gives us 26. Adding 2 + 6 gives us 8.
  2. Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit):
    Your day of birth is the 14. Adding 1 + 4 gives us 5.
  3. Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit):
    Your month of birth is February, which is the 2th month. As 2 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here..
  4. Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above:
    The totals, then, are 8, 2, and 5 . To get our final answer, we add these three numbers together to give us 15: Adding 1 + 5 gives us 6.

Here’s Your Life Path Calculation Chart

This is YOUR most important number.
Read below to see what this says about you...

What Your “6” Life Path Says About You...

The number 6 Life Path usually includes one other person that is with you or is a heavy influence on you for your entire life. You might have a tendency to see your lover and yourself as one soul or one person....
You have a deep love and concern for your fellow humans and are at your happiest when you feel yourself to be in the service of others. You are a supportive and self-sacrificing and a friend to all. You intuitively know how to cheer or heal others who are in a crisis. You also have a swift, analytical mind, dexterity and a lot more faith and courage than is often demonstrated by the other numbers. For this reason, many of you end up being doctors, nurses, fire-fighters, policeman, politicians, lawyers, crisis line workers, counselors and any occupation that involves empathy, skill or bravery.
Your life path is often filled with responsibility, but the difference between you and other people is that you are happy to take it on. You are a sympathetic and kind person and skilled in the arts of diplomacy and leadership. Many of you are born with an innate wisdom about what others need to survive and thrive. You easily earn the devotion and respect of others and are destined to become a pillar of your community.
Like most sixes, you probably were some kind of child prodigy in one subject area. You probably seemed to be wise beyond your years and may have accelerated grades or entered university early. Furthering your education is likely to be a theme that is important to you your entire life. This is because your brilliant mind is always looking for ways to enhance the quality of your life.
Another mark of the number 6 child is that he or she tends to connect very well with adults and have full, intelligent conversations even at a very young age.
You often marry early and the cornerstones of your life are family, religion, philanthropy and compassion. Your relationship with your partner is often destined to be a permanent loving one that survives all obstacles. You may also have an extraordinary talent for dealing with children, teens and the elderly.
You have very few flaws, but one of them might be a tendency to meddle in or fix other people's lives. Also your willingness to excel to please high-ups may look like brown nosing to others. As you are often very successful compared to others, you might also experience a lot of jealousy and envy from those who just don't see how good-hearted you really are.
As you are so self-sacrificing you are also in danger of working yourself to the point of exhaustion. One of your life path lessons is to remember to care for yourself as much as you care for others.
Another one of your life challenges is to make sure that you don't take on more than you can chew as this might force you to break promises that you would rather keep. You are a soft touch, so you are also at the risk of being taking advantage by individuals who might see your kindness as the mark of a fool. However your traditional approach to life along with it's ethics and moral values usually serves you well.
Being one of the most domestic numbers, your family and extended family is probably the center of your life. You are very realistic in your approach to money and career and often have the intelligence and foresight to build a small fortune. This financial savvy is good because number six's tend to have large broods or spend many years of their life supporting parents or other relatives.

Your Expression Number

Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 4. It is calculated by converting all the letters in your full birth name into numbers, using the following chart:
In practice, I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier during the next step to do it this way.
Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter ‘Y’. If it acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The ‘Y’ in Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the ‘Y’ in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel.

Let’s work out your Expression number, Apryl...
Using the above chart we would put a '1' above the 'A' in your first name. We would follow this with a 7 placed below the 'p', then a 9 below the 'r', a 9 above the 'i', and so on...
We then carry on in the same manner with the rest of your name. When you are finished, you should end up with a chart like this:

Now we simply add up the numbers in each row.
The top row: 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 5 + 6 + 6 = 45
The bottom row: 7 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 5 = 67
We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 45+67=112. Adding 1 + 1 + 2 gives us 4. And so, Apryl, your Expression is 4.

What Your “4” Expression Says About You...

The height of self-expression for you is when you are caught up on all of your work, the house is clean, the bills are paid and everything is in perfect order. You are the number that covets civilization and all of its contents the most. If life could be defined as a machine you are the nuts and bolts that holds everything together.
You believe that action speaks volumes more than words and express your respect and love for others by using a practical down-to-earth approach. You believe the greatest path to your own personal truth is to live by your personal convictions. For this reason, you are often very concerned with taking care of yourself, maintaining your belongings and property and making sure that your family and children are well cared for.
You are a diligent, hard worker who is always willing to lend a helping hand but only if it is for the good of all concerned. You don't have much patience with arrogant people and you openly express your dislike of people you consider to be controlling or pushy. Sometimes this resistance expresses itself as an outright defiance of authority. You are very courageous and almost always right but often your willingness to fall on your own sword for the sake of principle also makes you "dead right."
You love nature and especially gardening and landscaping. You may express your love for the earth by participating in ecological and animal preservation 
causes. Number 4's often also own many pets and many relate to their pets better than they relate to people.
As you can be quite rigid in your opinions, you often end up in many arguments. One of your challenges may be to learn to express yourself in a way that does not seem autocratic or bossy to others. You also have very strong likes and dislikes that can seem prejudiced or overly biased to others. This can hold you back both professionally and personally.
When it comes to love you is a very attentive and loyal partner. Sometimes to get attention you may play with a lover's insecurities. Among your negative tendencies is creating jealousy or suspicion on purpose or being obsessive or possessive.
Your role in society is to create structures that bring fulfillment to the highest of human aspirations. You are a wonderful planner and administrator and you know how to facilitate organizations and services that meet people's needs. Many fours are skilled at carpentry, sewing, horticulture, and interior decoration. Many of you are good with your hands, which make you excellent sculptors and surgeons.
You are creative, intelligent and have an attentiveness to detail that can border on obsession. Your self-discipline and willingness to practice until something is perfect also leads fours to careers in performance, especially athletics and music.
Your personal style is casual yet tasteful. Your budget often also determines what you wear, as you don't believe in spending money foolishly. You judge people by their inner beauty and not their outer appearance. The people you judge most favorably, however are those that agree with your opinions.
Your insistence on financial security, charity and the stewardship of the young often makes you a pillar of the community at a very young age. The passing down of wisdom is often how a number four can best express their love of their community.

Your Soul Urge Number

Your Soul Urge, also called your Heart’s Desire, is a reflection of what you desire to be, to have, and to do in your life, Apryl.
Your Soul Urge is calculated by adding up all the numbers corresponding to the vowels in your full birth name. Using the cart above, you’d add up all the numbers in the top row.
The top row: 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 5 + 6 + 6 = 45. Therefore, Apryl, your Soul Urge is a 9.

What Your “9” Soul Urge Says About You...

The highest expression of your soul's urge is to connect in a mystical way with others. Although your aspirations are lofty, you are also a humanitarian who is often gifted with a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Often you give up opportunities that should be yours, simply to help another. This is because your faith in yourself, god and the future is so strong that you live by your conviction that the universe is always unfolding as it should.
Others simply do not possess your spiritual sophistication and may be amused or repelled by what they see as your irrational talk or beliefs. You may be accused of being stupid or foolish simply because you won't take the bait (of a job or money) at the expense of your ethics. Compared to the other numbers, you excel at letting go of lovers or opportunities simply because you know you can't take emotions and material goods with you when you die.
As you are driven more by compassion than common sense, you are the first to fall on your sword for a worthy cause. You may often be broke because you see money only as a tool of change. You would much rather spend money on art, charity or a trip. In fact, ostentatious displays of wealth anger and disgust you because your ideal is a world where all humans are equal.
You might appear very eccentric to others who don't quite understand your fascination with the spiritual world or your insistence on being a seeker of truth. Furthermore nines tend to get carried away when it comes to trying to heal or connect to others. The biggest mistake you could make is to try and be an "agent of karma" by meddling or interfering in other people's affairs.
As you are so talented psychically, you often become a liability in business simply because people in authority resent your ability to perceive their secrets. You rarely rise very high on the corporate ladder simply because others see you as a threat to their cloak of political intrigue.
You have a soul that must be continually assured and fed with new sources of spiritual information. To stay healthy, your psyche may require that you make special trips to holy or mystical places. You may have to seek out special teaching to help you understand and cultivate your talents so that you are in control, as opposed to terrorized by them. Being able to foresee the future or see through other people is often painful, so some therapy might be required in your life to help you detach from your own sensitivity.
One of the sins you are most vulnerable to is spiritual pride. This can bring you situations that cause your faith to be seriously tested or where your pride can take a big fall. Many nines often find themselves subject to a lesson in becoming humble by the cosmos simply because they were too boastful of their talents. Making money off of your psychic talents may also cause you some problems, as part of your path is to heal without the expectation of reward. If you are working professionally as a psychic and are a nine, then remember to tithe at least one tenth of your earnings towards a worthy cause. However the highest calling of your soul urge is to share your intuitive talents for free.

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